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Data Visualization Options

What are my data visualization options and how do I select them?

Adam Swing avatar
Written by Adam Swing
Updated over a week ago

There are many ways to view your data while analyzing on the KnowledgeHound platform. Depending on your need, you may be looking for a colorful chart, a detailed spreadsheet, or a trended line over time. To accomplish this, we have provided different data analysis views.

In this article:



First, let's review how to change the view options.

At the top-left of every analysis page will be the following options:

Column Chart View - By default, we will show most charts in a vertical bar chart to allow for comparisons. This option is great for visual comparisons.

Spreadsheet View - If you are interested in viewing the data in a spreadsheet, you can select this option to view the values in a grid. This view is great for a clear and detailed look at the data.

Bar Chart View - A similar option is the horizontal bar chart. This option is great for longer response options as there is more room to the left of the chart than below.ย 

Trended Line View - When viewing longitudinal research like a brand tracker, you can view responses trended over the selected time frame. This will be the default view for any project that has an interval variable (ie: quarter or wave).


Above your visualization is a header with a number of options. Let's go through what each of them does and when you may want to use them.

Percentage vs numerical view:

These options allow you to view a percentage of the base respondents who answered in a certain way (percentage view), or a number of respondents who answered in a certain way (numerical view)

View Data Labels:

While the spreadsheet view will automatically apply stat testing when available, this option will allow you to turn on data labels and stat testing to all the additional visualization options. See the "Stat Testing" article for additional details.

Filter Data:

This option allows you to narrow down the base to reflect a particular subset of respondents. This is a good alternative to adding a variable to the visualization if you are not comparing how different types of respondents answered a question

Auto-update base:

The Auto-update Base feature is a helpful way to update the base size as you change your analysis. By default, this option is not enabled. To learn more about this feature visit this article.

Hide Low Bases:

When the number of respondents within a selected response option becomes too low, we will show the data in red. If you would like to automatically hide those data points, you can select this option.

Hide Nulls:

When Hide Nulls is turned on, response options that were not seen by any respondents will automatically be hidden. This works well when filtering your visualization down to a particular country where not all response options are relevant.

The hidden response options will still be shown in their variable card on the left within the "hidden responses/options" section.


If you've built your analysis and want to export it as a PowerPoint Slide or Excel Sheet, you can do so by selecting either format in the Download drop-down. This is great for sharing externally or contributing to a presentation you might be building. All the context you might need (ie: base size, filters, question text) comes with the data in your export!


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